Mid-Year Tax Planning Checklist

All too often, taxpayers wait until after the close of the tax year to worry about their taxes and miss opportunities that could reduce their tax liability or financially assist them. Mid-year is the perfect time for tax planning. The following are some events that can affect your tax return; you may need to take…

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The Treasury Green Book of Biden Proposed Tax Changes

The U.S. Treasury has released the Biden administration’s 2022 Fiscal Year Budget, which includes a general explanation of the administration’s 2022 revenue proposals. The publication is commonly referred to as the Green Book and outlines the Biden administration’s tax proposals. Keep in mind that these are proposals and will have to be passed by Congress.…

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How Long Should You Keep Old Tax Records?

This is a common question: How long must taxpayers keep copies of their income tax returns and supporting documents?Generally, individuals should hold on to their income tax records for at least 3 years after the due date of the return to which those records apply. However, if the original return was filed later than the…

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How to Protect Your Data in QuickBooks

After the unprecedented year we’ve just experienced, the last thing you need is to have your accounting data compromised or stolen. It would be impossible to reconstruct your QuickBooks file from scratch, and you can’t afford to have a hacker steal any of your funds. There are numerous steps you can take to protect yourself…

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You Can Expense Business IT Purchases

Thanks to some very liberal tax laws written to encourage investment in personal tangible equipment, including information technology (IT) equipment, many businesses will be able to expense (write off as a tax deduction) all such assets purchased and placed in service before the end of the tax year. For businesses using the accrual method of…

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